
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Ventu A/S
Gene Screen is a fun way to learn how recessive genetic traits and diseases are inherited and how certain diseases are more prevalent in different populations. Gene Screen also provides information on some recessive genetic diseases and genetic screening programs.
The native Microbizz app for accessing Microbozz (microbizz.dk) on the go.
Microbizz is a software solution for managing time-registration, task-management, customer lists, product sales, tools and much more.

iPR Creator
Documobi inc.

Documobi Inc.
The iPR Creator app allows registered users to make printed items interactive. You can associate a URL to a photo, submit the photo to
intelligent Print Recognition server where it is indexed in the iPR database. Once indexed, the image can be scanned with the Documobi app on any
device and the associated URL opened.
Documobi Reader opens a new chapter in the history of Print. Now, you can access a world of online content on your iPhone or iPad2. When you know a piece of print has been made interactive, just scan it with the app – iPR intelligent Print Recognition will do the rest and give you the information or special offer you were hoping for.

FINR Brain Atlas
Florida Institute for Neurologic Rehabilitation, Inc.

3D Brain
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Explore the anatomy of the brain and common brain injuries in a 3-dimensional model. Detailed descriptions include the function of normal structures, related structures, common injuries to those areas, and resulting deficits due to damage.
Use your touch screen to rotate and zoom around 29 interactive structures. Discover how each brain region functions, what happens when it is injured, and how it is involved in mental illness. Each detailed structure comes with information on functions, disorders, brain damage, case studies, and links to modern research.
Featured February 2013 in Apple TV ad entitled 'Together' (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFppKI41AKk @ 13 sec.)

Snowboard Tahoe Inc.
Get tips from the biggest legends in snowboarding. Everything from how to wax your board, cooking tips, to double corks.